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San Anselmo Emergency Services

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Emergency services in San Anselmo, CA
Emergency Services in San Anselmo, CA

San Anselmo is recognized as one of the best communities in Marin County, with a status as Northern California’s antique Mecca and its charming, small-town feel. However, emergencies can happen anywhere, and San Anselmo is built on a floodplain. In order to maintain everything that residents love about it, the town developed quality emergency services for its residents. From its creek monitoring system and hospital to its police and fire departments, San Anselmo has many programs to keep residents safe. Whether you have an emergency or want to report a problem, there are steps you can take to help keep you and those around you secure.

San Anselmo Police Department
525 San Anselmo Ave.
San Anselmo, CA  94960
Emergency Phone: 911
Non-Emergency Phone: (415) 258-4610. Available 24/7.

Ross Valley Fire Department
San Anselmo Station
777 San Anselmo Ave.
San Anselmo, CA  94960
Emergency Phone: 911
Non-Emergency Phone: (415) 258-4686. Call during regular office hours.

Ross Valley Sanitary District
2960 Kerner Boulevard
San Rafael, CA 94901
Emergency Phone: (415) 259-2949. Call for sewer spills.
Non-Emergency Phone: (415) 259-2949

Emergency Notification Systems:
In the case of an impending or occurring emergency, San Anselmo has a variety of systems for warning business owners and residents. Most of these systems don’t require residents to do anything to take part. However, if you would like to be notified by the notification systems (known as MEANS and Nixle), you must sign up.

Creek Flood Gauge
Located at the Bridge Street bridge, the creek flood gauge monitors the water level of the San Anselmo Creek. This is the point where the creek tends to overflow first when it floods, so if you’re worried during a storm, feel free to check the digital graph here.

Informational Handouts
In order to prepare residents for potential disasters, San Anselmo has made fliers and brochures available to the community with the information necessary for preparation. These fliers and brochures include information on how to prepare for winter storms, protect yourself against floods and how to use sandbags, based on detailed directions by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The fliers are distributed whenever a heavy storm or flooding is anticipated.

Flood Horn
If a flood is imminent, San Anselmo has a flood horn located in the Town Hall tower. If you are in an area subject to flooding, you will know to seek higher ground when the horn sounds five blasts, pauses, five blasts, a pause, five more blasts, a pause, and finally five more blasts.

MEANS - The Marin Emergency Access Notification System
This telephone notification system uses a database put together by the town to place a phone call that residents receive in the case of an emergency. The messages are pre-recorded and designed to help locals if homes or businesses in an area of the town are threatened by an emergency. Residents can choose to have the message delivered to either a cell or VOIP phone. If you would like to be included in the town’s database for MEANS, follow this link.

TENS – Telephone Emergency Notification System
This system works through the 911 Emergency Telephone database to deliver pre-recorded messages to residents and business owners in areas of emergency. You do not have to sign up for this system, but if you do not have a landline, you should sign up for MEANS.

Nixle is a text/email/web based information service that residents can receive on either a computer or mobile phone. You can customize what type of information you receive and how it comes to you. The Police Department uses Nixle to post public safety alerts, community information and traffic bulletins. While you must register for Nixle, it is free of cost. You can register here.

Radio 1610 AM
San Anselmo’s local information and emergency radio station, Radio 1610 AM broadcasts timely information, including storm watches, weather warnings, suggested evacuation routes and street closures, during a time of emergency.

Town Website Emergency Alert Notification
If you go to this site, the homepage has an emergency alert icon on the left. If the icon flashes red, you can click on the icon to learn about a current emergency.

Emergency Rooms near San Anselmo
Kaiser Permanente San Rafael Medical Center
99 Montecillo Road
San Rafael, CA
(415) 444-2000 ‎

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